Unfortunately, there's not much to report this time around. I tweaked my shoulder and soon afterward had a freak accident with my chest. I'm not sure if it was some kind of internal bruising or muscle pull, but I'm still getting back to normal and have not been lifting in the meantime. At home I've been doing some exercises with 4 and 8 pound weights while my chest gets back to normal, and I've been swimming 1-2 times a week.
Here's to recovery, once again. :/
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Thursday, March 5, 2009
current progress on Rippetoe workout
The workout is separated into two days, workout A and workout B. Each excercise is separated with one space, each day is separated by 3 spaces. After the name of the excercise is the weight and then the number of reps.
This data is '|' delimited with the following fields:
Date / Time / Workout / Exercise / Weight / Reps
Feb 10, 2009|3:37:17 PM|Rippetoe A|Squat|135|5|
Feb 10, 2009|3:37:32 PM|Rippetoe A|Squat|135|5|
Feb 10, 2009|3:37:40 PM|Rippetoe A|Squat|135|5|
Feb 10, 2009|3:37:51 PM|Rippetoe A|Bench Press|135|5|
Feb 10, 2009|3:37:58 PM|Rippetoe A|Bench Press|135|5|
Feb 10, 2009|3:38:03 PM|Rippetoe A|Bench Press|135|5|
Feb 10, 2009|3:39:10 PM|Rippetoe A|Deadlift|205|5|
Feb 12, 2009|12:19:24 PM|Rippetoe B|Squat|155|5|
Feb 12, 2009|12:19:35 PM|Rippetoe B|Squat|155|5|
Feb 12, 2009|12:19:43 PM|Rippetoe B|Squat|155|5|
Feb 12, 2009|12:20:13 PM|Rippetoe B|Overhead Press|95|5|
Feb 12, 2009|12:20:19 PM|Rippetoe B|Overhead Press|95|5|
Feb 12, 2009|12:20:24 PM|Rippetoe B|Overhead Press|95|5|
Feb 12, 2009|12:20:48 PM|Rippetoe B|Rows|135|5|
Feb 12, 2009|12:20:54 PM|Rippetoe B|Rows|135|5|
Feb 12, 2009|12:20:59 PM|Rippetoe B|Rows|135|5|
Feb 16, 2009|8:42:04 AM|Rippetoe A|Squat|165|5|
Feb 16, 2009|8:42:13 AM|Rippetoe A|Squat|165|5|
Feb 16, 2009|8:42:18 AM|Rippetoe A|Squat|165|5|
Feb 16, 2009|8:48:12 AM|Rippetoe A|Bench Press|155|5|
Feb 16, 2009|8:48:18 AM|Rippetoe A|Bench Press|155|5|
Feb 16, 2009|8:48:23 AM|Rippetoe A|Bench Press|155|5|
Feb 16, 2009|9:06:17 AM|Rippetoe A|Deadlift|225|5|
Feb 18, 2009|9:59:46 AM|Rippetoe B|Squat|175|5|
Feb 18, 2009|9:59:54 AM|Rippetoe B|Squat|175|5|
Feb 18, 2009|10:00:01 AM|Rippetoe B|Squat|175|5|
Feb 18, 2009|10:00:15 AM|Rippetoe B|Overhead Press|105|5|
Feb 18, 2009|10:00:24 AM|Rippetoe B|Overhead Press|105|5|
Feb 18, 2009|10:00:30 AM|Rippetoe B|Overhead Press|105|5|
Feb 18, 2009|10:00:42 AM|Rippetoe B|Rows|145|5|
Feb 18, 2009|10:00:47 AM|Rippetoe B|Rows|145|5|
Feb 18, 2009|10:00:52 AM|Rippetoe B|Rows|145|5|
Feb 20, 2009|11:08:28 AM|Rippetoe A|Squat|185|5|
Feb 20, 2009|11:08:35 AM|Rippetoe A|Squat|185|5|
Feb 20, 2009|11:08:41 AM|Rippetoe A|Squat|185|4|
Feb 20, 2009|11:17:29 AM|Rippetoe A|Bench Press|165|5|
Feb 20, 2009|11:17:37 AM|Rippetoe A|Bench Press|165|5|
Feb 20, 2009|11:17:42 AM|Rippetoe A|Bench Press|165|5|
Feb 20, 2009|11:56:21 AM|Rippetoe A|Deadlift|235|5|
Feb 23, 2009|10:57:09 AM|Rippetoe B|Squat|195|3|
Feb 23, 2009|10:57:17 AM|Rippetoe B|Squat|185|5|
Feb 23, 2009|10:57:33 AM|Rippetoe B|Squat|185|4|
Feb 23, 2009|11:04:34 AM|Rippetoe B|Overhead Press|115|5|
Feb 23, 2009|11:04:41 AM|Rippetoe B|Overhead Press|115|5|
Feb 23, 2009|11:04:47 AM|Rippetoe B|Overhead Press|115|5|
Feb 23, 2009|11:16:39 AM|Rippetoe B|Rows|155|5|
Feb 23, 2009|11:16:44 AM|Rippetoe B|Rows|155|5|
Feb 23, 2009|11:16:49 AM|Rippetoe B|Rows|155|5|
Mar 3, 2009|12:46:43 PM|Rippetoe A|Squat|185|5|
Mar 3, 2009|12:46:47 PM|Rippetoe A|Squat|185|5|
Mar 3, 2009|12:46:51 PM|Rippetoe A|Squat|185|5|
Mar 3, 2009|12:52:24 PM|Rippetoe A|Bench Press|175|5|
Mar 3, 2009|12:52:31 PM|Rippetoe A|Bench Press|175|5|
Mar 3, 2009|12:55:30 PM|Rippetoe A|Bench Press|175|4|
Mar 3, 2009|1:01:56 PM|Rippetoe A|Deadlift|245|5|
Mar 5, 2009|2:49:22 PM|Rippetoe B|Squat|190|5|
Mar 5, 2009|2:49:31 PM|Rippetoe B|Squat|190|5|
Mar 5, 2009|2:49:37 PM|Rippetoe B|Squat|190|5|
Mar 5, 2009|2:49:50 PM|Rippetoe B|Overhead Press|120|5|
Mar 5, 2009|2:49:56 PM|Rippetoe B|Overhead Press|120|5|
Mar 5, 2009|2:50:00 PM|Rippetoe B|Overhead Press|120|5|
Mar 5, 2009|2:50:10 PM|Rippetoe B|Rows|160|5|
Mar 5, 2009|2:50:16 PM|Rippetoe B|Rows|160|5|
Mar 5, 2009|2:50:22 PM|Rippetoe B|Rows|160|5|
<3, the captin
Friday, February 20, 2009
Year 2 Month 1 Updates
Updates for this month are more of the same, although I have stopped doing my Bicep Curl / Lawnmower super-set, and I've changed the order of my exercises. I believe that the super-set was responsible for a lot of stress on my shoulder and I am able to lift heavier weights with less trouble without it. Also by putting my pull-downs after the PT exercises and before bicep work and rows I am able to lift more. Perhaps it is the relief of downward pressure on my shoulders?
For my PT balancing exercise I've switched from using the ground to using a raised platform (the 1 ft cube). It is really killing my legs, and feels great.
Also I've realized that my pulling strength (back) is quite weak and I've decided to start working on my rows. I'll be starting at 60 lbs for cable rows, which is about half of what I used to do, and 25 or 30 lbs for one-arm rows (I used to do 65 lbs). I can lift more but I find it puts strain on my lower back and shoulder, so I'll be starting low and my body should adjust quickly.
All in all, this has been a good month. I've moved up in weight with almost every exercise and without serious consequence, so there's no complaining in that :) If this coming month goes well, I may consider bench pressing and trying skull crushers again.
Day 1: (PT weight: 10, 12 lbs, 3 cycles)
- Bicep Curls (3x10)
- One-Arm Rows (3x10) - 25, 30 lb dumbells
- One Arm DB military presses (3x10) - 20 lbs (almost ready to move up)
- Tricep Pull-Downs (3x10) - 75 lbs
- Pull-Downs (3x10) - 100 lbs
- Push-ups (30 reps, 20+10 reps)
- Planks (3x), followed by push-ups to failure
- Bicycle Kicks (2x) - Still Experimental. I haven't done these too much.
Day 2: (PT weight: 5, 8 lbs, 5 cycles)
- Butt-Burners (2x10) - 4 lbs
- Rows (3x15, 60 lbs)
- Pushups (30 reps, 20+10 reps)
- Planks (3x), followed by push-ups to failure
- Back Extensions (3x15) - No Weight Yet
- Obliques Extensions (3x10) - Need to find a replacement for this exercise.
Current Weight: 156 lbs
For my PT balancing exercise I've switched from using the ground to using a raised platform (the 1 ft cube). It is really killing my legs, and feels great.
Also I've realized that my pulling strength (back) is quite weak and I've decided to start working on my rows. I'll be starting at 60 lbs for cable rows, which is about half of what I used to do, and 25 or 30 lbs for one-arm rows (I used to do 65 lbs). I can lift more but I find it puts strain on my lower back and shoulder, so I'll be starting low and my body should adjust quickly.
All in all, this has been a good month. I've moved up in weight with almost every exercise and without serious consequence, so there's no complaining in that :) If this coming month goes well, I may consider bench pressing and trying skull crushers again.
Day 1: (PT weight: 10, 12 lbs, 3 cycles)
- Bicep Curls (3x10)
- One-Arm Rows (3x10) - 25, 30 lb dumbells
- One Arm DB military presses (3x10) - 20 lbs (almost ready to move up)
- Tricep Pull-Downs (3x10) - 75 lbs
- Pull-Downs (3x10) - 100 lbs
- Push-ups (30 reps, 20+10 reps)
- Planks (3x), followed by push-ups to failure
- Bicycle Kicks (2x) - Still Experimental. I haven't done these too much.
Day 2: (PT weight: 5, 8 lbs, 5 cycles)
- Butt-Burners (2x10) - 4 lbs
- Rows (3x15, 60 lbs)
- Pushups (30 reps, 20+10 reps)
- Planks (3x), followed by push-ups to failure
- Back Extensions (3x15) - No Weight Yet
- Obliques Extensions (3x10) - Need to find a replacement for this exercise.
Current Weight: 156 lbs
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Month 12 Updates
Month 12 is about half way through, and I've yet to become a he-man. But life does what it wants, so I'm happy where I am, and the slow and steady course continues.
I've continued my routine as described in the last post, but I've also added a few exercises and I have apparently forgotten to do the butt-burners every Thursday session. This will have to be remedied. I've also converted the sessions to strength / dynamic, so Day 1 (Mon or Tues) will be heavier weight with 10 reps for weights and 3 cycles for my physical therapy routine, while Day 2 (Wed or Thurs) will be 15 reps with weights and 5 cycles for the PT routine. This may help me to progress more quickly, as I've been feeling kind of stuck over the past few months.
I also have a new goal: Break a 7:00 mile. My last two were 7:20 and 7:15, respectively, so this goal may be accomplished fairly soon. I'd like to eventually reach a comfortable 6:30 or 6:00, but we'll see how long that takes :) Training for this consists of running after each gym session and at least once or twice a week outside of the gym.
I am also doing Karate warm-ups along with my daily stretching. I find that the movements are helping my speed, tension issues, and stabilizing muscles. I may also be biking once a week to replace paintball while the weather is too cold.
Current routine:
Day 1: (PT weight: 8, 10 lbs, 3 cycles)
- Superset: Bicep Curls (2x10) + "Lawnmower" Rows (2x10) - 20 lb dumbells
- One arm dumbell military presses (3x10) - 20 lbs
- Tricep Pull-Downs (3x10) - 75 lbs
- Pull-Downs (3x10) - 80 lbs (almost ready to move up)
- Push-ups (25 reps, 20 reps)
- Planks (3x), followed by push-ups to failure
- Back Extensions (3x10) - No Weight Yet
- Bicycle Kicks (2x) - Experimental, Testing Lower Back
Day 2: (PT weight: 5, 8 lbs, 5 cycles)
- Butt-Burners (2x10) - 4 lbs
- Rows (3x15, 70 lbs)
- Pushups (25 reps, 20 reps)
- Planks (3x), followed by push-ups to failure
- Back Extensions (3x10) - No Weight Yet
- Obliques Extensions (3x10) - No Weight Yet
Current Weight: 155 lbs.
I've continued my routine as described in the last post, but I've also added a few exercises and I have apparently forgotten to do the butt-burners every Thursday session. This will have to be remedied. I've also converted the sessions to strength / dynamic, so Day 1 (Mon or Tues) will be heavier weight with 10 reps for weights and 3 cycles for my physical therapy routine, while Day 2 (Wed or Thurs) will be 15 reps with weights and 5 cycles for the PT routine. This may help me to progress more quickly, as I've been feeling kind of stuck over the past few months.
I also have a new goal: Break a 7:00 mile. My last two were 7:20 and 7:15, respectively, so this goal may be accomplished fairly soon. I'd like to eventually reach a comfortable 6:30 or 6:00, but we'll see how long that takes :) Training for this consists of running after each gym session and at least once or twice a week outside of the gym.
I am also doing Karate warm-ups along with my daily stretching. I find that the movements are helping my speed, tension issues, and stabilizing muscles. I may also be biking once a week to replace paintball while the weather is too cold.
Current routine:
Day 1: (PT weight: 8, 10 lbs, 3 cycles)
- Superset: Bicep Curls (2x10) + "Lawnmower" Rows (2x10) - 20 lb dumbells
- One arm dumbell military presses (3x10) - 20 lbs
- Tricep Pull-Downs (3x10) - 75 lbs
- Pull-Downs (3x10) - 80 lbs (almost ready to move up)
- Push-ups (25 reps, 20 reps)
- Planks (3x), followed by push-ups to failure
- Back Extensions (3x10) - No Weight Yet
- Bicycle Kicks (2x) - Experimental, Testing Lower Back
Day 2: (PT weight: 5, 8 lbs, 5 cycles)
- Butt-Burners (2x10) - 4 lbs
- Rows (3x15, 70 lbs)
- Pushups (25 reps, 20 reps)
- Planks (3x), followed by push-ups to failure
- Back Extensions (3x10) - No Weight Yet
- Obliques Extensions (3x10) - No Weight Yet
Current Weight: 155 lbs.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Checking In (Month 9?)
So here's the scoop... nothing too exciting.
1) I've managed to find a sustainable system for my workouts. I go to the gym right after work every Tuesday and Thursday, and do the same routine as previously outlined. I'm up to 8 pound weights, and as a whole feel much more fit than before. As a whole I am injured less and more active on a regular basis. I try to exercise both Saturday and Sunday as well (by swimming or another activity).
2) Activities such as bike riding and paintball are feasible and I have been playing regularly.
I have also added new elements to my routine, including a run at the end of each day:
- Superset: Bicep Curls (2x10) + "Lawnmower" Rows (2x10) - 15 lb dumbells
- One arm dumbell military presses - 15 lbs (need to move up)
- Tricep Pull-Downs (2x10) - 70 lbs
- Pull-Downs (2x10) - 80 lbs
- Pushups (15 reps, 20 reps)
- Planks (2x)
- Butt-Burners (yeah, yeah... 2x10) - 4 lbs
- Rows (new, weight not yet established)
- Pushups (15 reps, 20 reps)
- Planks (2x)
Since I'm finally sustaining a workout without hurting anything, I'm not totally solid on what to do each day (besides the Physical Therapy routine). Tuesday is solid. Thursday is in construction. I'm currently lacking a mid-back exercise like rows and upper pec exercises. But everything will be added slowly and carefully. Yes. I actually learned my lesson.
When I can comfortably use 10 lb dumbells for my physical therapy routine and can comfortably do 20 pushups per set I will consider new exercises such as Dumbell Bench Press and light Dead Lifts. I look forward to lifting more normally... and hope I don't screw this up again :)
Current Weight: 150 lbs
1) I've managed to find a sustainable system for my workouts. I go to the gym right after work every Tuesday and Thursday, and do the same routine as previously outlined. I'm up to 8 pound weights, and as a whole feel much more fit than before. As a whole I am injured less and more active on a regular basis. I try to exercise both Saturday and Sunday as well (by swimming or another activity).
2) Activities such as bike riding and paintball are feasible and I have been playing regularly.
I have also added new elements to my routine, including a run at the end of each day:
- Superset: Bicep Curls (2x10) + "Lawnmower" Rows (2x10) - 15 lb dumbells
- One arm dumbell military presses - 15 lbs (need to move up)
- Tricep Pull-Downs (2x10) - 70 lbs
- Pull-Downs (2x10) - 80 lbs
- Pushups (15 reps, 20 reps)
- Planks (2x)
- Butt-Burners (yeah, yeah... 2x10) - 4 lbs
- Rows (new, weight not yet established)
- Pushups (15 reps, 20 reps)
- Planks (2x)
Since I'm finally sustaining a workout without hurting anything, I'm not totally solid on what to do each day (besides the Physical Therapy routine). Tuesday is solid. Thursday is in construction. I'm currently lacking a mid-back exercise like rows and upper pec exercises. But everything will be added slowly and carefully. Yes. I actually learned my lesson.
When I can comfortably use 10 lb dumbells for my physical therapy routine and can comfortably do 20 pushups per set I will consider new exercises such as Dumbell Bench Press and light Dead Lifts. I look forward to lifting more normally... and hope I don't screw this up again :)
Current Weight: 150 lbs
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
the fire burns once again
I have not posted in a very very very long time, I had all but given up my quest for true fitness and good health until recently. I have decided that given my personality (and its flaws) I have a very hard time with sticking to things that are not scheduled or structured. This has been an ongoing struggle with most things in my life, but I have decided to try something which I have not had the opportunity to do by normal means for some time. I am starting a food delivery program to help me with the nutrition part of getting in shape. This way I will have a consultant who will check up on me and give me some help in the structure and organizational areas which were lacking in my previous attempts. The few times in which i considered myself to be in good shape took place only with programs involving mentors or partners which helped keep motivation levels high. I feel that this is required for me..at least for a jump start into a serious effort.
Updates soon..
Updates soon..
Friday, June 27, 2008
Month 6 (Almost) Complete
Apologies for the hiatus! I'm not dead yet, but the captin might be.
Over the past two and a half months I've completed my Physical Therapy prescription and kept on the routine in my own time. I'll go into further detail regarding a breakdown of the exercises and everything that I have learned at another time, so for now I'll provide an overview of accomplishments and an outline of my current routine.
1) My knees are much stronger, in fact they are hardly sore at all!
2) My shoulder literally popped itself back into shape. After months of being tight and motion-hampered, I now have full range of motion in my right shoulder and have been slowly building strength.
3) My back is no longer bothered by day-to-day activities.
4) I have returned to swimming and hiking without significant impairment.
Sounds like a pretty successful run, huh? I'm very happy that things have turned out as well as they have, but I'm still not back to "normal". There is still work to be done, and unfortunately I don't heal as quickly as I used to. Apparently the springiness of youth is over :(
1) There is still a long way to go before I can return to normal weight lifting. My knees may be in decent shape but my shoulder and upper body are now in pretty weak physical condition. I have been mainly training lower body and core strength, so there will need to be slow and steady effort put into strengthening my arms and upper torso.
2) My lower back is still sensitive to twisting movements and heavy lifting & pushing. There will still be a bit of work to do here, too. My current routine is working well, so patience and gradual additions to the workout are all that can be done for now.
Daily Mat Exercises:
Single Leg-to-Chest Stretches (each side) 2 x 10 reps
Both Legs-to-Chest Stretches 2 x 10 reps
Exercise Ball Leg Twists (each side) 2 x 10 reps
Wall-Hamstring Stretch (each leg)
Bug on its Back (?) 2 x 10 reps
Kneeling Balance Thing (?) 2 x 10 reps
Bridges 2 x 10 reps
Twice-Weekly Weight Exercises:
(These are all using dumbells)
Weighted Punches (horse stance) 10 x 5 lbs
Weighted Punches (forward stance, each leg) 10 x 5 lbs
Planted Lunge Reaches (?) (outer, each leg) 10 x 5 lbs
Planted Lunge Reaches (?) (inner, each leg) 10 x 5 lbs
Golf Squats (?) (each shoulder, alternating) 10 x 5 lbs
Hamstring Stretches (each leg) 10 x 5 lbs
4-point Lunge-and-Reaches 5 x 5 lbs
5-point Balance Extensions (complete all reps on one side at a time) 5 x 5 lbs
3-point Squat-and-Reaches 5 x 5 lbs
Track Lunges (outer)
Track Lunges (inner)
Track Weighted Punches
Backward Marches
I am looking to add a number of dumbell exercises, push-ups, and pull ups as soon as I am fit enough to do them without injury. I also swim one to two times per week, increasing laps based on the rule of 3 -- if it hasn't hurt me the last 3 times, it's safe to move up gently.
Over the past two and a half months I've completed my Physical Therapy prescription and kept on the routine in my own time. I'll go into further detail regarding a breakdown of the exercises and everything that I have learned at another time, so for now I'll provide an overview of accomplishments and an outline of my current routine.
1) My knees are much stronger, in fact they are hardly sore at all!
2) My shoulder literally popped itself back into shape. After months of being tight and motion-hampered, I now have full range of motion in my right shoulder and have been slowly building strength.
3) My back is no longer bothered by day-to-day activities.
4) I have returned to swimming and hiking without significant impairment.
Sounds like a pretty successful run, huh? I'm very happy that things have turned out as well as they have, but I'm still not back to "normal". There is still work to be done, and unfortunately I don't heal as quickly as I used to. Apparently the springiness of youth is over :(
1) There is still a long way to go before I can return to normal weight lifting. My knees may be in decent shape but my shoulder and upper body are now in pretty weak physical condition. I have been mainly training lower body and core strength, so there will need to be slow and steady effort put into strengthening my arms and upper torso.
2) My lower back is still sensitive to twisting movements and heavy lifting & pushing. There will still be a bit of work to do here, too. My current routine is working well, so patience and gradual additions to the workout are all that can be done for now.
Daily Mat Exercises:
Single Leg-to-Chest Stretches (each side) 2 x 10 reps
Both Legs-to-Chest Stretches 2 x 10 reps
Exercise Ball Leg Twists (each side) 2 x 10 reps
Wall-Hamstring Stretch (each leg)
Bug on its Back (?) 2 x 10 reps
Kneeling Balance Thing (?) 2 x 10 reps
Bridges 2 x 10 reps
Twice-Weekly Weight Exercises:
(These are all using dumbells)
Weighted Punches (horse stance) 10 x 5 lbs
Weighted Punches (forward stance, each leg) 10 x 5 lbs
Planted Lunge Reaches (?) (outer, each leg) 10 x 5 lbs
Planted Lunge Reaches (?) (inner, each leg) 10 x 5 lbs
Golf Squats (?) (each shoulder, alternating) 10 x 5 lbs
Hamstring Stretches (each leg) 10 x 5 lbs
4-point Lunge-and-Reaches 5 x 5 lbs
5-point Balance Extensions (complete all reps on one side at a time) 5 x 5 lbs
3-point Squat-and-Reaches 5 x 5 lbs
Track Lunges (outer)
Track Lunges (inner)
Track Weighted Punches
Backward Marches
I am looking to add a number of dumbell exercises, push-ups, and pull ups as soon as I am fit enough to do them without injury. I also swim one to two times per week, increasing laps based on the rule of 3 -- if it hasn't hurt me the last 3 times, it's safe to move up gently.
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