Friday, February 20, 2009

Year 2 Month 1 Updates

Updates for this month are more of the same, although I have stopped doing my Bicep Curl / Lawnmower super-set, and I've changed the order of my exercises. I believe that the super-set was responsible for a lot of stress on my shoulder and I am able to lift heavier weights with less trouble without it. Also by putting my pull-downs after the PT exercises and before bicep work and rows I am able to lift more. Perhaps it is the relief of downward pressure on my shoulders?

For my PT balancing exercise I've switched from using the ground to using a raised platform (the 1 ft cube). It is really killing my legs, and feels great.

Also I've realized that my pulling strength (back) is quite weak and I've decided to start working on my rows. I'll be starting at 60 lbs for cable rows, which is about half of what I used to do, and 25 or 30 lbs for one-arm rows (I used to do 65 lbs). I can lift more but I find it puts strain on my lower back and shoulder, so I'll be starting low and my body should adjust quickly.

All in all, this has been a good month. I've moved up in weight with almost every exercise and without serious consequence, so there's no complaining in that :) If this coming month goes well, I may consider bench pressing and trying skull crushers again.

Day 1:
(PT weight: 10, 12 lbs, 3 cycles)
- Bicep Curls (3x10)
- One-Arm Rows (3x10) - 25, 30 lb dumbells
- One Arm DB military presses (3x10) - 20 lbs (almost ready to move up)
- Tricep Pull-Downs (3x10) - 75 lbs
- Pull-Downs (3x10) - 100 lbs
- Push-ups (30 reps, 20+10 reps)
- Planks (3x), followed by push-ups to failure
- Bicycle Kicks (2x) - Still Experimental. I haven't done these too much.

Day 2: (PT weight: 5, 8 lbs, 5 cycles)
- Butt-Burners (2x10) - 4 lbs
- Rows (3x15, 60 lbs)
- Pushups (30 reps, 20+10 reps)
- Planks (3x), followed by push-ups to failure
- Back Extensions (3x15) - No Weight Yet
- Obliques Extensions (3x10) - Need to find a replacement for this exercise.

Current Weight: 156 lbs

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